NPMA Supports Preemption Bill in Congress

NPMA is proud to support H.R. 7266, which if passed would make pesticide preemption federal law. Introduced on March 29th by Representative Rodney Davis (IL-13), this bill is an excellent step towards seeing this issue fixed in the 2023 Farm Bill. The industry has been advocating for this fix since 2017, and the industry is proud to support federal legislation that will provide regulatory certainty at the state level as well as protect public health, property and food uniformly rather than by locality. Currently, 46 states have preemption, and Alaska, Maine, Maryland and Nevada do not. Original co-sponsors of the legislation include Representatives Rick Allen (GA-12), Troy Balderson (OH-12), Jim Baird (IN-4), Randy Feenstra (IA-4), Reps Jake LaTurner (KS-2), Tracey Mann (KS-1), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-2), Dan Newhouse (WA-4), Austin Scott (GA-8), and David Valadao (CA-21). NPMA will shortly be circulating a letter of support for The Public Health Certainty Act to all state associations, asking them to sign on so that we can demonstrate we are an industry united. For questions about the legislation contact NPMA VP of Public Policy Ashley Amidon at