U.S. Structural Pest Control Market Surpasses $10.4 Billion

The United States structural pest control industry generated service revenue of $10,421.25 million this past year, an 8.2 percent increase from the $9,629.78 million measured in 2020, according to the latest market report, A Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Structural Pest Control Industry from Specialty Consultants, LLC.  “Industry growth might have been even more robust were it not for the tight labor pool,” said Rich Kalik, Partner.  “Nearly 40 percent of the owners or managers surveyed said the inability to hire and retain a sufficient service technician staff inhibited their company’s growth this past year.”  About one-quarter of the respondents said the leading challenge to their business was finding and keeping good employees.  Despite continued consolidation, there were more than 18,100 pest control firms operating in the U.S. last year.