Graduation Season is Upon Us, Which Means a Whole New Generation of Workers are Looking for Jobs Right Now! Are You Prepared to Recruit New Talent to Fill Your Pipeline?

May means graduation season is here – an exciting and optimistic time that leaves many students wondering what comes next. While some high school grads head off to college, others look to jump directly into the workforce, gaining valuable skills and knowledge that will carry them throughout their careers.

Of the nearly 3.5 million students set to graduate this year, approximately 30 percent will not enroll in a traditional college. That leaves an enormous pool of people to recruit for entry-level technician positions at your company, but we know that the competition among trades is fierce.

NPMA’s Workforce Development Program is designed to assist you in your hiring needs. Log on to to access resources that will help you attract and retain qualified talent. Plus, receive one free job posting per year at, the exclusive job board for NPMA member companies.