The Canadian Pest Management Association Submits Comments In Response to Proposed Changes to Rodenticide Regulations in British Columbia

In May 2022, the British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy outlined proposed changes in the Integrated Pest Management Regulation (IPMR) to second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGAR) requirements. The proposed changes, detailed in the IPMR Rodenticide Intensions Paper, would include a ban on indoor use, restrictions on preventative baiting, a term use limit of no more than 35 days at specific sites, and enhanced documentation requirements to demonstrate that an IPM plan is in place when SGARs are used.

The Canadian Pest Management Association provided detailed comments on behalf of the pest management industry in response to these proposed changes.  Included in the comments was a request to the Ministry to delay implementation of these regulations and seek additional constructive engagement with stakeholders to modify the proposed rules to allow for the continued use of these important rodent control products in ways that allow for the protection of public health, food, and property in a wide variety of locations and settings while still being protective of non-target species. More information will be provided as CPMA continues to engage with the BC MOE on this issue. If you would like to review a copy of CPMA’s submitted comments, please contact Michael Bentley at