NPMA Releases New Political Giving Resources

NPMA’s Public Policy team has been hard at work updating some of our How-To resources prior to the midterm elections and the 2023 Farm Bill. We now have three reference guides on political giving available for the 2022 Midterms:

  1. 2022 Personal Political Giving Guide, which is intended for those interested in giving personal contributions to state or federal candidates. This handy reference sheet lists what limits are by state and at the federal level.
  2. 2022 Corporate Giving Guide, which is intended for those companies interested in giving contributions to state candidates (note that corporate giving to federal candidates is prohibited.) This sheet lists a state-by-state explanation of limits on corporate contributions.
  3. How to Give Politically, which is a handy guide to anyone wanting to make a contribution for the first time.

These are all intended as reference guides; you should always check your state for the most up to date information.  For questions, contact Michelle Moore at