Arizona Certification Process Update

Earlier this year the Arizona Department of Agriculture’s Pest Management Division, (PMD), implemented a new rule that requires all applicators provide full sets of fingerprints so they can complete background checks for applicants. This has slowed down the overall process. In response, the Arizona Pest Professionals Organization’s Legislative Committee and Pest Management Advisory Council have been working with PMD to find a solution to expedite this tedious process. As of 10/24/2022, applicants won’t have to wait for the results of the background check to start taking certification exams. Applicants will be able to schedule for testing after they have submitted their application, upon passing their license will be pending until the results of the background check. They have also discovered that LiveScan can issue a Level One Fingerprint Card that will complete the background check in less than 30 days and can be used instead of the DPS check resulting in a quicker turn around for applicants.