Pesticide Preemption Efforts

NPMA staff have continued meeting with key stakeholders on Capitol Hill, including staff from both the House and Senate Agriculture committees. We started off our week by meeting with Rep. Don Bacon’s (NE-2) office, who sits on the House Agriculture committee and cosponsored HR 7226 (Rep. Rodney Davis’ standalone pesticide preemption bill). We wrapped up the week with a quick check-in with Rep. Mayra Flores’ (TX-34) office (lost reelection), during which we introduced ourselves to an outgoing member of Rep. Flores’ team who expressed interest in being helpful in her new role with another member of the Texas delegation. During both of these meetings, NPMA provided staff with background on our pesticide preemption efforts to-date, and socialized the importance of including state-level pesticide preemption in the 2023 Farm Bill.