NPMA Continues Coordinating Responses to EPA’s Rodenticides Proposed Interim Decisions (PID)

Last week, NPMA distributed resources for state associations to submit public comments that highlight the unique impacts that the PIDs will have on member companies in their respective states. These resources include a set of industry talking points, a template for state associations to structure their comments, and a set of instructions for submitting comments. As a reminder, NPMA is available to review draft comment submissions from state associations, and we are also able to submit public comments on behalf of state associations. If interested in requesting assistance from NPMA, or if you have not yet received the NPMA public comment resources, please reach out to

This week, NPMA continued our outreach to state associations to ensure that they are prepared to submit public comments. If your state association would like NPMA’s support with drafting comments, please reach out to, who will coordinate a one-on-one meeting with NPMA Public Policy staff.