Pesticide Preemption Efforts

NPMA staff have continued meeting with key stakeholders on Capitol Hill to discuss pesticide preemption. We started off our week by meeting with Rep. Frank Lucas’ (R-OK-3) office, who is returning to the House Agriculture Committee, where he formerly served as Chair of the Committee. Later in the week, we met with the office of Rep. John Rose (R-TN-06), who is also new to the Committee. And on Friday, we wrapped up the week by meeting with Rep. Comer (R-KY-01), who is not on the House Agriculture Committee, but serves as an influential voice among our friends in the pest management arena.

During these important meetings, we provided staff with background information on our pesticide preemption efforts to-date, and also socialized the importance of including state-level pesticide preemption in the 2023 Farm Bill.