PPMA’s PSA Airings Generate Over 56.3 Million Impressions in December

To inform consumers about the serious health threats posed by pests, the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), the consumer marketing arm of NPMA, utilizes public service announcements to share this important health messaging with Americans. 

In its most recent PPMA Update, a monthly newsletter shared with investors, they reported on their December public service announcement campaign results, which brought in over 7,300 new TV and radio airings resulting in over 56.3 million impressions.

PPMA’s campaigns continue to receive strong broadcast support across the U.S. with several campaigns currently running in market. Their Fall 2022 distribution of “Hindsight” produced the strongest results across radio and TV contributing 1,012 airings and 12.3 million impressions in December.

Fox News and Fox Business Network remain staunch supporters of PPMA’s campaigns as well as Movies! and Start TV, two digital networks that feed PSAs to local affiliates nationwide. Stations in many of the top media markets have also continued to air the spots, including stations and affiliates in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, Houston, and other areas nationwide. This past month also brought in new TV and radio station placements in San Antonio, TX, Jacksonville, FL and New Orleans, LA.

To view PPMA’s full PSA Library, please check out its playlist on YouTube.