NPMA Develops FAQ Document on EPA’s Vulnerable Species Pilot Project (VSPP)

On June 22, EPA announced its Vulnerable Species Pilot Program, with the goal of “proposing geographically-specific protections that would limit the use of pesticides in the habitat of 27 endangered and threatened (listed) species, including some pollinators.” To achieve this, EPA created Pesticide Use Limitation Areas (PULAs) for each species, along with proposed mitigation measures. EPA released an interactive StoryMap to visually show the proposed PULAs for each species. NPMA has met with EPA to discuss the Pilot Program and has also submitted public comments that request an exemption for exterior structural perimeter applications. The scope of the project is still unclear, and NPMA plans to have additional meetings with EPA to explain further how limiting outdoor structural applications will not achieve the Agency’s objectives. NPMA has prepared an FAQ document to answer common questions from structural applicators. The answers in the FAQ document (PDF) assume that the VSPP will be finalized as proposed.