PPMA AI Research Shows Conversations About Rats Up 1,089% In September


To keep a pulse on consumer pest concerns, the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), the consumer marketing arm of NPMA, uses Artificial Intelligence to accurately assess public opinion on various pest topics. According to September results, the fall season kicked off with rats and hornets experiencing the highest increase in engagement out of any other core pests in the month at 1,089% and 192%, respectively. Following the release of the bi-annual Bug Barometer® forecast, it is noteworthy that in the context of health and home concerns, the U.S. population saw an increase in engagement on rats at 791% and mosquitoes at 59%.

Companies that invest in PPMA have access to monthly AI findings. To learn more about PPMA and its consumer research, contact Jim Fredericks jfredericks@pestworld.org