Regional ConcreteWorks Events Continue Across Country
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NRMCA and its state affiliate and regional cement group partners held another successful Regional ConcreteWorks event last week, this one in the Great Lakes Region. The first afternoon’s activities included educational presentations on the promotion of concrete intersections and preventing flatwork failures, along with a briefing on a proposed national check-off program for the ready mixed concrete industry. Day Two saw the Great Lakes Portland Cement Association Parking Lot Promotion Summit, which afforded the state affiliates in the region and NRMCA the opportunity to share successes, challenges and new tools and tactics for the successful promotion of concrete parking lots.
Regional ConcreteWorks events have already taken place in several regions and two more are scheduled for December (9 in New Orleans for the Gulf Coast Region and 10 in Silver Spring, MD, for the Atlantic Region). The Southwest Region is expected to wrap up this round of meetings in January (date and location to be determined).