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Deadline is Tomorrow to Participate in New EPD for Concrete

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The deadline to participate in an Industry-Wide Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for concrete is Thursday, January 31. With trends pushing for environmental impact transparency, NRMCA members are urged to participate in the Industry-Wide EPD (IW-EPD), version 3.0. Due to market drivers (i.e., Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and EPDs in green building standards, most notably LEED V4) NRMCA will develop a third version of the IW-EPD in 2019. NRMCA has recently delivered various correspondence (i.e., E-NEWS, blast e-mails and direct e-mails) and hosted a webinar to describe the market need, project purpose and reasons for participation.

Like past IW-EPDs, ready mixed concrete producers will submit data in a confidential format established by the project’s consultant, Athena. Past participants can be found here. Even if a producer participated in the previous versions, there is still the potential to supply data for v3 of the IW-EPD due to evolving disclosure standards.

To participate and compete in the green building marketplace, you must register your company: complete this form and e-mail to Jacques Jenkins at

As part of the Build With Strength campaign, NRMCA promotes sustainable concrete solutions for buildings. For more information, contact James Bogdan at or 412-420-4138.


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