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Build With Strength Webinar Series Off to Strong Start

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The first in a series of Build With Strength (BWS) webinars on the design and construction of concrete buildings was presented last week to more than 470 attendees, reports NRMCA Senior Director, Building Innovations, Donn Thompson. The one-hour presentation held on April 1 titled Concrete Innovations clarified the true environmental impact of cement and concrete while identifying new products and manufacturing methods to address today’s environmental challenges. New production processes to significantly offset embodied carbon, innovative additives to enhance both plastic and hardened properties, as well as carbonation processes to absorb and permanently remove CO2 from the environment were also covered.

Additional BWS webinars are scheduled every Wednesday at 2 p.m. Eastern time for the next seven weeks; the next in the series, Specifying Sustainable Concrete, is being held today, April 8.

Click here for more information and the link to register (a recording of the first webinar is available at the BWS site as well). For more information, contact Lionel Lemay at or Donn Thompson at


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