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Labor Officials Seek Input on Improving Families First Coronavirus Response Act 

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The Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division is asking for businesses to comment/offer guidance as it develops and revises the compliance assistance tools, resource material and outreach strategies for the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). It wants a national, inclusive dialogue to meet your company's needs.

Participate by logging on to the new FFCRA Idea Scale website: The site will gather comments through Friday, April 10. This is your chance to make a difference for your company, your employees and for everyone else who falls under the FFCRA law. The new DOL/WHD Idea Scale website makes it easy to set up an account to participate; the information is worth a good look.

You may also find specific links to DOL/WHD, on NRMCA’s Covid-19 Resources site. For more information, e-mail Eileen Dickson at


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