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House Passes Proxy Voting, Additional Round of Relief

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Last week, the House considered and passed H.R. 6800, the Heroes Act (see above E-NEWS item for more information). As we reported, this legislation provides another $3 trillion in aid to state and local governments, hazard pay for frontline workers and payments to individuals. In addition, it made a number of changes to the Paycheck Protection Program and the Employee Retention Tax Credit. You can find text here, a summary here and an overview of state and local relief funding provisions here.

The bill passed the House of Representatives late Friday evening after a marathon day of debate and voting in which Representatives spent hours voting in alphabetical shifts to maintain appropriate social distance. The measure passed with bipartisan support and opposition, 208-199, with one Republican voting in favor and 14 Democrats opposed; 23 Members were not present for the vote.

In addition to the Heroes Act, Congress passed a rules change allowing Members of the House of Representatives to provide a colleague with a proxy and vote as directed in their place.

For more information, contact Andrew Tyrrell at


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