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Free Webinar Offered on New Federal Drivers' Hours of Service Regulations

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NRMCA’s federal regulatory experts Kevin Walgenbach and Gary Mullings will conduct a FREE webinar on Wednesday, September 23, at 11 a.m. Eastern time to help your company prepare for the new federal Drivers’ Hours of Service regulations that go into effect on September 29. Specifically, there are changes to the 30-minute break provision and the logging exemption. Over the last 12 years the federal drivers' HOS regulations have been subject to numerous court and congressional actions. Mr. Walgenbach and Mr. Mullings will share details as well as highlight how they impact other HOS provisions (please forward the registration click link below to the appropriate people on your staff who will benefit from attending the webinar). 

As additional help, NRMCA just released its updated ready mixed concrete industry-specific Compliance Guide for the Federal Drivers' HOS Regulations. Answers, explanations and guidance on the 2020 changes are detailed. NRMCA’s HOS Guide explains what the law is, how the industry is impacted, and what your company and drivers need to do to be compliant on September 29. The HOS Guide also covers the new ready mixed concrete driver compliance scenario for Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs).

Click here to register for the free HOS webinar and here to purchase NRMCA’s updated 2020 HOS guide. For more information, contact Eileen Dickson at


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