CP Tech Center Tech Issues Brief on Reclaimed Fly Ash
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The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center recently produced a tech brief on reclaimed fly ash. The highway construction industry's utilization of coal fly ash has made many of our concrete pavements and bridges more durable and reduced landfill waste. However, with the shuttering of more and more coal-fired electric power plants, fly ash from coal-fired utilities is in increasingly short supply. Yet high-quality fly ash remains available, deposited in landfills at the time when the coal-fired power plant supply still exceeded concrete industry demand. This tech brief describes how the availability of reclaimed fly ash improves the reliability of the supply chain and how proper harvesting leads to matched chemical and physical properties as well as more consistent quality relative to freshly produced fly ash.
This and other informational items are produced as part of a cooperative agreement titled Advancing Concrete Pavement Technology Solutions.
Click here to access the tech brief.