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Another Associate Member Joins M2M Benefit Program

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NRMCA’s growing Member2Member (M2M) Benefit program continues to provide better services and more value to all members and now has added another Associate member to its expanding list of providers. AlignMark has been helping companies hire and develop their people for over 40 years. It provides innovative, simple solutions to allow companies to hire more effectively using customized online job applications and assessment tools. AlignMark also has programs to help develop leaders, from the front-line to the executive team in addition to team enhancement programs, to build more effective/productive teams. The company will offer NRMCA members a 20% discount on software-based products in Talent Acquisition & Assessment; a 10% discount for its 360 Feedback Leadership Development & Coaching programs and a 10% discount for all consulting projects.

Neither membership in NRMCA nor participation in the M2M Benefits Program can in any way be construed as an endorsement, explicit or implicit, of any company, product or service by the Association. NRMCA accepts no responsibility in any dispute between supplier and customer. The M2M Benefits Program is intended solely as an informational service. Participating companies are responsible for insuring all M2M Benefit information is correct and up-to-date.

Visit all NRMCA dedicated services through the updated M2M webpage. For more information, contact Jacques Jenkins at or Heather Houck at


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