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Skate4Concrete Links Skaters with Concrete Opportunities

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The Skate4Concrete project is a multifaceted, recruitment and community relations program that connects the skateboarding community with the concrete industry. In its latest edition of Spotlight, the Concrete Advancement Foundation provided links to a variety of resources related to the Skate4Concrete project, particularly one of its most successful elements: the concrete certification that is being taught in more and more schools as educators become aware of this new certification opportunity. The Concrete Certification Handbook may be viewed here.

To help spread the word about this growing program, please download, post and distribute the Foundation’s Skate4Concrete flier and encourage others to do so. The industry has a tremendous opportunity to elevate the next generation’s interest in concrete and bring them into the fold early with this exciting project!

For more information on the work of the Concrete Advancement Foundation, please contact President Julia Garbini or Vice President Jennifer LeFevre.


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