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NRMCA to Begin Member Anniversary Recognition Program

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NRMCA is seeking information from its Producer and Associate members regarding upcoming milestone anniversaries of a company's founding. The Association plans to recognize companies that are about to celebrate 25, 50, 75. 100 and 125 in business. These announcements will be made during NRMCA's Annual Convention, beginning with the 2025 convention to be held in March in Tucson, AZ.

There are also plans to promote these anniversaries on NRMCA's website; share acknowledgements via social media outlets; host a toast at the convention; present plaques to companies during the conventon; show a brief video tribute for companies celebrating 100+ years or more in business; display a banner listing each company and highlight anniversaries in NRMCA's quarterly magazine, Concrete InFocus.

Companies that are celebrating a milestone anniversary listed above are asked to send such information to Senior Director, Member Services, Amanda Muller by Monday, October 21. Questions should be directed to Gregg Lewis.


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