Deadlines Approach for Number of NRMCA Awards Programs
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Each year NRMCA administers a number of awards programs; deadlines for many of them occur early in a new year, so please consider nominating an applicable employee for the following awards:
- NRMCA Buildings Promoter of the Year - Deadline is January 10 and staff contact to learn more is Phil Kresge.
- NRMCA Pavement Promoter of the Year - Deadline is January 10; staff contact, Phil Kresge.
- John Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award for Promotion - Deadline is January 10; staff contact, Phil Kresge.
- State Affiliate Promoter of the Year Award - Deadline is January 10, staff contact, Phil Kresge.
- State Association of the Year Award - Deadline is January 10, staff contact, Phil Kresge.
- Concrete Cares Award - Deadline is January 15; staff contact, Amanda Muller.
- Shydlowski-Turner Materials Leadership Award - Deadline is January 15; staff contact, Amanda Muller.