Carpenter-Mullings Award Honors Longtime Minnesota Producer Member
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The Safety, Environmental & Operations (SEO) Committee has unanimously named Mike Brekken of Producer member Cemstone in Mendota Heights, MN, as the 2025 Carpenter-Mullings Award recipient. The Carpenter-Mullings award is named in honor of Joseph E. Carpenter of Rinker Materials who was instrumental in the formation and early operation of the NRMCA Committee on Maintenance, and Gary M. Mullings of NRMCA for his more than 50 years of service to the industry. The award was instituted in 1988 and is presented annually to persons who have demonstrated outstanding lifetime contributions to the ready mixed concrete industry in the fields of operations, environmental and safety.
Mr. Brekken is the safety director for Cemstone and has responsibility for approximately 500 trucks in a 4-state area. He has served as NRMCA Safety Task Group chairman and vice chairman, and past chairman and vice chairman of the SEO Committee. He has been a judge for the NRMCA Environmental Awards; a speaker at ConcreteWorks educational sessions; played a key role in developing NRMCA’s monthly Think First safety initiative topics and has been instrumental in the success and development of the NRMCA National Mixer Driver Championship.
The award will be presented to Mr. Brekken during NRMCA’s Annual Convention in March in Tucson, AZ.
For more information, contact Kevin Walgenbach at