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NRMCA Presents at CSI Syracuse Winter Event

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On January 30, NRMCA Senior Director, Building Innovations, Frank Mruk promoted NRMCA resources at the January Syracuse Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) meeting held at the at the Brewster Mansion (seen here along with some of the attendees), the 1890 summer home of Benjamin Brewster, a partner in John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, on Cazenovia Lake in the New York Finger Lakes Region. Syracuse Board members Thomas Pratt (president), Kevin Phillips (treasurer), Jim Bourgeois (director), Edward Osterhoudt (Parksite) and others attended the meeting. 

The Syracuse Chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute is a business league that promotes awareness and enhances the local construction community. It supports and elevates professionalism within the design/construction industry in Central New York through education, certification, information, fellowship and member involvement. 

For more information, contact Frank Mruk at


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