Build With Strength Discusses Decarbonizing Concrete with Leading International Engineering Firm
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Build With Strength Senior Directors, Building Innovations, Patrick Matsche and Brandon Wray met recently with the Bechtel Group, a Reston, VA-based engineering, procurement, construction and project management company, to discuss the decarbonization of concrete. Bechtel Corporation, founded in San Francisco in 1898, has employees and projects in more than 33 countries.
Members of the Decarbonization Team at Bechtel attended several in-person Build With Strength educational symposiums held recently in Utah. The presentations discussed how to achieve low carbon concrete with currently available materials, along with evolving processes, materials and technologies. Industry leading firms continue to look to NRMCA to learn more about decarbonization strategies, along with how the ready mixed concrete industry is advancing sustainability.
Wray and Matsche presented to Bechtel’s Global Decarbonization Workshop regarding concrete decarbonization. They encouraged the use of Build With Strength’s performance-based specification review, NRMCA’s Carbon Calculator tool and consulting services to create low carbon concrete specifications in lieu of unnecessarily prescriptive language that impact the GWP reduction targets and goals of their clients’ projects. NRMCA’s Build With Strength and PaveAhead platforms offer design teams a range of education, promotion and execution support. The meetings reinforced the concrete industry's proactive approach to sustainability and the essential role of collaboration in driving forward low carbon initiatives, ultimately transforming the built environment for a greener future while promoting concrete as the building material of choice.
With the generous support of the ready mixed concrete industry, Build With Strength is recognized as a leading advocate by spearheading the effort to reduce and eliminate embodied carbon in buildings, roads and infrastructure.
For more information, contact Patrick Matsche at or 415-672-5275 or Brandon Wray at, 408-806-0453.