Ohio Airport Authority Learns About Concrete Pavement Maintenance, Repair
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NRMCA Senior Vice President, Local Paving, Phil Kresge recently met with the Airfield Maintenance Department of the Columbus Regional Airport Authority at John Glenn Columbus International Airport in Columbus, OH. The meeting was facilitated by Ohio Concrete Association (OCA) Central/Southeast Promotion Director Lisa Weaver-Moon. Kresge spoke on Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Pavement, focusing on Concrete Pavement Restoration (CPR) methodologies as well as joint sealing and other proper maintenance practices. Concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavement were also discussed. OCA Staff Engineer Tom Boren joined Weaver-Moon and Kresge and assisted in the Q&A session that followed the presentation.
Besides the John Glenn Columbus International Airport, the Airport Authority also oversees operations at Rickenbacker International Airport and Bolton Field Airport. Last year, more than 9.2 million passengers passed through these airports. A new $2 billion terminal is currently under construction at John Glenn Columbus airport.
For more information, contact Phil Kresge at pkresge@nrmca.org.