Build With Strength, Utah State Affiliate Discuss Decarbonizing Concrete at ACI Conference
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NRMCA/Build With Strength Senior Director, Building Innovations, Patrick Matsche recently attended the American Concrete Institute Intermountain Chapter/Utah Ready Mixed Concrete Association (URMCA) annual Concrete Education Conference held at the Davis Conference Center in Layton. The conference drew over 450 of the region’s top industry influencers, structural engineers, builders, architects, designers and NRMCA member companies. Partnering with URMCA, Matsche (seen here at right with URMCA's Brad Stevenson) presented Current Technologies Available to Decarbonize Concrete.
Sustainable construction led by a focus on resiliency is driving new construction techniques in the Intermountain West. The many AEC firms in attendance inquired about NRMCA programs, with Matsche informing exectives that Build With Strength offers additional content and professional development hours to architects and structural engineers, contractors and others.
The keynote address was delivered by Tyler Ley, associate professor at Oklahoma State University. Additional presentations covered all aspects of concrete construction and concrete materials along with current and evolving concrete codes and standards. NRMCA, the ACI Intermountain Chapter, URMCA and industry leaders from across Utah discussed how decarbonizing the built environment today and in the future will take shape, with all in agreement that concrete is a backbone of modern society.
The Build With Strength platform is a leader in supporting structural engineers, architects, end users and specifiers in achieving low carbon, high-performance concrete. For more information, contact Patrick Matsche at or 415-672-5275.