Build With Strength, Carolinas State Affiliate Collaborate on Low Carbon Concrete Symposium
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Build With Strength and NRMCA collaborated with the Carolina Ready Mixed Concrete Association (CRMCA) on CRMCA's first symposium featuring architects, engineers, contractors and decision makers who partcipated in a series of panel discussions regarding the future and impact of low carbon concrete and performance-based specifications in the construction industry. Build With Strength’s Michael Wymant and Derek Torres attended the symposium held in Greenville, SC, on February 25 to show support and educate everyone on the services and resources offered by Build With Strength and NRMCA.
The event had a record attendance, with a sold out crowd of nearly 150 people (many seen here). NRMCA thanks Jessica Wilson, Caroline Sutton and Emily Cowie of CRMCA for their hard work and dedication for organizing this symposium and the event sponsors listed below.
AIA North & South Carolina
Carbon Leadership Forum
Florida Concrete & Products Association, Inc.
Georgia Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Kentucky Concrete Association
Tennessee Concrete Association
U.S. Green Building Council
Build With Strength is a coalition founded by NRMCA that offers webinars and courses to architects, engineers, and building and fire code officials as part of its education efforts to promote safety and resiliency and help place more concrete. For more information, view Build With Strength education programs or contact Derek Torres at