Cement Chemistry Course Offered in Toronto in May
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The University of Toronto is offering a unique and popular course that has been run five times previously and consists of lectures covering chemistry and physics of the following subjects: cement manufacture, phase equilibrium & reactions in cement kilns, supplementary cementing materials, hydration of cements, chemical admixture effects in hydration, microstructure of cement and hydrates, sulfate reactions and attack, alkali-aggregate reactions, chloride and corrosion reactions and mechanisms related to freezing and scaling of concrete.
The course is open to both graduate students and cement and concrete industry professionals. The instructors include world-renowned researchers and practitioners in this field. The course is scheduled for May 14-18 at the University of Toronto. The registration deadline Thursday, April 5.
For more information, contact Diane McCartney at 416 946-3791 or by e-mail, dpm@civ.utoronto.ca.