NRMCA Launches Online Version of Popular International Concrete Sustainability Conference
NRMCA has launched International Concrete Sustainability Conference Online as a way to extend the reach of its popular conference of the same name. This new delivery offers unique distance learning opportunities on the latest advances, technical knowledge, continuing research, tools and solutions for sustainable concrete manufacturing and construction. This series of free monthly Webinars features world renowned speakers who presented at the International Concrete Sustainability Conference. Upcoming topics include:
•Thursday, July 18, noon - 1 p.m. Eastern time. Jacob Sobstyl, researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Urban Physics: City Texture Matters, Jacob Michael Sobstyl, Mohammad Javad Abdolhosseini Qomi, Benoit Coasne, Roland Pellenq and Franz-Josef Ulm.
•Thursday, August 15, noon - 1 p.m. Eastern time. Dr. Liv Haselbach, PhD, associate professor, Washington State University. Quasi-Steady-State Equilibrium Estimation of Concrete Pavement CO2 Sequestration, Liv Haselbach, Robby Borden and Mylene Gueneron.
•Thursday, September 19, noon - 1 p.m. Eastern time. Dr. Lisa Bradley, PhD, vice president and senior toxicologist/risk asssessor, AECOM. Coal Ash Material Safety - A Health Risk-Based Evaluation of USGS Coal Ash Data from Five US Power Plants, Lisa Bradley.
Future topics and dates will be announced soon.
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association