NRMCA Delivers Sustainability Message to Structural Engineers
Last week, NRMCA Vice President of Sustainability Tien Peng presented "LEEDv4: The Drive for Transparency" to the Structural Engineers Association of Northern California (SEAONC). The SEAONC mini-seminar allowed NRMCA the opportunity to update the engineering community on changes to the green building rating system as well as concrete industry sustainability initiatives. The seminar also featured Stephen Bono, S.E., a structural engineer at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, who presented the recent launch of the 2013 California Building Standards Code.
The new version of LEED takes a more integrated design approach, pushes for material disclosure and requires more technical rigor, each of which gives the structural engineer more influence on building projects. NRMCA has three initiatives to help members achieve the new product disclosure goals. NRMCA established its EPD Program Operator status in order to help concrete producers and suppliers meet new disclosure requirements cost effectively. NRMCA is also developing an industry‐wide EPD so that members can compare their environmental impacts to industry baselines. Another project will provide a methodology and guide for concrete producers to report material ingredients and chemical constituents of their products.
NRMCA encourages its members to participate in local professional groups, such as AIA, ASCE or USGBC local chapters, and offer topics and speakers for education programs.
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association