26.12 – Concrete Evaluation and Acceptance – states the requirements for strength tests; frequency of testing, strength acceptance criteria and investigation of low strength test results.
The following are changes to requirements for concrete from ACI 318-11:
There is no detailed section for proportioning of concrete mixture. It was felt that this was information directed to the concrete producer and not the LDP; so it did not belong in the Code. However, the section on mixture proportioning in ACI 301, Specification for Structural Concrete is referenced (26.4.3). The age of a strength test record for determining standard deviation and for submittals, and for laboratory trial batches is limited to not older than 24 months.
In Chapter 19, for concrete exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing (Exposure Category F), the descriptors of the exposure condition were clarified and additional discussion was added to the commentary. Previously, all the exposure classes in this category required a max w/cm and minimum specified strength,
f'c, of 0.45 and 4,500 psi, respectively. This was changed to (0.55, 3,500 psi) for Exposure Class F1; (0.45, 4,500 psi) for F2 and (0.40, 5,000 psi) for F3. For plain concrete, requirements for F3 are (0.45, 4500 psi). The change to Exposure Category F3 was to make the requirements the same as Exposure Category C2 (exposed to an external source of chlorides).
• In Chapter 19, for what was previously Exposure Category P is renamed to Exposure Category W. This applies to concrete in contact with water that requires a low permeability. There was no change to the requirements.
• For concrete exposed to water soluble sulfates, Exposure Category S, it is now permitted to use Type IT blended cement conforming to ASTM C595, Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cement. These are ternary blended cements that contain two supplementary cementitious materials in addition to portland cement.
There are other minor changes because of the Code reorganization process, but are not very significant. Since much of the committee's time was spent on Code reorganization, major Code changes were not possible. There are several Code change proposals being worked on in the new Code cycle. It is anticipated that the next version of ACI 318 will be published in 2019.
Colin Lobo was a member of ACI Committee 318 that developed the reorganized Code. He will continue his membership on the Committee in the next Code cycle.
For more information, contact Colin Lobo at clobo@nrmca.org or Karthik Obla at kobla@nrmca.org.