In April, Connecticut Governor Daniel Malloy issued an executive order instructing the Department of Administrative Services, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the Insurance Department to work with the Office of the State Building Inspector to ensure that the next revision to the State Building Code contains standards that increase the resiliency of new and renovated homes and buildings. Malloy hasn't proposed anything specific, but said many measures to make buildings more resilient are relatively inexpensive. He also cited research that every $1 spent on resiliency measures can save $4 in insurance claims.
Payouts from extreme weather have more than doubled every 5 to 10 years since the 1980's, and are now a leading cause of property insurance claims. NRMCA has developed a building promotion program to address the need for safer, more resilient construction and has extended its Concrete Design Center to offer free help to designers who might prefer concrete to wood but have little experience with concrete buildings. Visit to learn more. In addition, NRMCA has resources to help members and state affiliates advocate for resilient construction, including developing legislation, talking points, public relations and other key strategies.