The Kentucky Concrete Association (KCA) recently hosted three concrete overlay seminars throughout the state, reports NRMCA Senior Director, Local Paving Amanda Hult who spoke at each of them. The seminars were organized by KCA’s Regional Concrete Education Councils along with the Northern, Bluegrass and Kentuckiana Concrete Education Councils. Hult educated the attendees on the design of bonded concrete overlays of asphalt parking lots using the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center's
Guide to Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots along with NRMCA's
Design Assistance Program. The seminars were well attended by architects, engineers, city officials and industry representatives. Hult encouraged the designers who attended the seminar to provide a well-designed concrete section on plans in order to introduce competition on a project.
"The key to this is to make sure that the concrete section is a well-designed section so we are able to properly compare initial costs, apples to apples, " Hult stated.