Nominations Sought for Annual Safety Awards

NRMCA’s Annual Safety Award acknowledges the significant contribution that safe work practices give to the growth and success of individual companies and the ready mixed concrete industry as a whole. The Annual Safety Award is presented to an individual or company whose actions represent the very highest in the advancement of safety in the ready mixed concrete industry. The award program is generously sponsored by the Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau (TMMB). The award may be presented to an individual whose single action or longtime commitment to safey and health in the ready mixed concrete industry exemplifies superior performance in the field of safety; a ready mixed concrete truck driver whose actions were lifesaving, plant managers, safety managers and company officials who have outstanding longtime dedication to safety and health in the ready mixed concrete industry or an individual's involvement in safety activities in the local community.

This award may also recognize a corporation, coalition or organization that was unrelenting in its pursuit of safety for the industry. Nominees may have created and implemented a life-saving and/or injury-preventing safety solution or a ready mixed concrete producer company, a ready mixed concrete state association or an industry-related equipment or material supplier.

Criteria for selection of the individual or company may include evidence of the following:

• Reduction of accidents/incidents

• Demonstration of leadership in safety

• Identification, evaluation & control of hazards

• Development of safety-conscious policies & procedures

• Active promotion of safety in the workplace

• Innovation & enthusiasm in marketing safety

• Collaborative & proactive work towards improving safety

• Placing a high personal value on safety

• Mentoring of others in safety

Nominations shall be made by submitting a detailed explanation for why the individual or company should be considered for the award. The explanation should focus on highlighting the criteria listed above. Submissions should include necessary supporting documents, a high-resolution electronic image of the nominee (if an individual) or a high-resolution company logo and any other relevant images.

Entries must be e-mailed to Gary Mullings at no later than Friday, June 28. Click here for more information, including requirements for the nominating process and staff contact.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association