NRMCA Advocacy Effort Yields Infrastructure Pilot Program

Earlier this year, NRMCA lobbied for the authorization and funding of the Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP). The DCIP is a pilot program that would make DOD funds available for grants to localities to fund concrete intensive infrastructure like roads, bridges, and water and wastewater projects. Funded at $75 million in the Senate appropriations bill, the pilot project represents – between federal and locality funding – well over $100 million in infrastructure spending above and beyond what is funded through the Highway Trust Fund (HTF). In additon, as a Defense program it is guaranteed funding that does not rely on the HTF; it is reauthorized and appropriated to – likely at a higher level – every year. This program provides an additional pool of concrete intensive project funding.

NRMCA conducted meetings and Hill outreach earlier this year, lobbying for the DCIP to be included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It was included in the House NDAA at $50 million and in the Senate NDAA at $100 million. While there was no direct funding for DCIP in the House defense appropriations, there is $30 million in unspecified community programs and NRMCA is lobbying for the House and Senate to fund the DCIP at $75 million or above. Both the House and Senate committee reports directed DOD to stand up this program. NRMCA will be following the program through the appropriation and implementation stages.

For more information, contact Andrew Tyrrell at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association