NRMCA Joins Forces with ACPA at Colorado Transportation Conference

NRMCA once again joined forces with the American Concrete Pavement Association's (ACPA) Colorado Wyoming Chapter in sponsoring a booth at the 6th Annual APWA Colorado Chapter Conference held on October 28-29 in Arvada, reports NRMCA Senior Vice President, Local Paving, Don A. Clem, PE. The conference, which featured the heading The Power of Connection – Look Up and Plug In, drew over 200 public works professionals from throughout Colorado despite a two-day snowstorm that hit the region. The program featured high-level presentations from transportation leaders, including the engineering director of Denver International Airport Landside Engineering and APWA President-Elect Mary Joyce Ivers.

A well-attended breakout presentation on Innovations in Concrete Pavement Construction was provided by Amy Brooks, chief operations officer and Matt Fonte, assistant general superintendent, Castle Rock Construction Company, an ACPA member company. The booth was staffed by Clem, Angela Folkestad, PE, executive director, and Jamie Johnson, PE, paving engineer, ACPA CO/ WY. (Shown here, from left to right, are Don Clem, Jamie Johnson, paving engineer, ACPA CO/ WY Chapter, and Jeff Dankenbring, public works director, City of Centennial during the conference.)

For more information, contact Don Clem at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association