NRMCA Seeks Nominations for Promotion Awards

NRMCA is seeking nominations for the NRMCA Promoter of the Year – Pavements Award, Promoter of the Year – Buildings Award, State Affiliate Promoter of the Year Award and the John Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award for Promotion. These awards will be presented at NRMCA’s 2020 Annual Convention, March 7-9 in Las Vegas, NV. Nominees for the Promoter of the Year award must be current employees of NRMCA Producer members; nominees for the State Affiliate award must be employees of the affiliate and have worked in the industry for at least five years; nominees for the John Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award must be former employees of NRMCA member companies who are retired or deceased.

You can help industry promotion champions get deserved recognition by nominating them for these prestigious awards. The most recent award winners are Duane Coy, Dolese Bros., Inc. (Promoter of the Year – Pavements); Oliver Brooks, Martin Marietta Metro Ready Mix (Promoter of the Year – Buildings); Joel Waters, Mississippi Concrete Association (State Affiliate Promoter of the Year) and Larry Gibbes (John Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award).

Please submit a nomination of no more than two pages, detailing a nominee’s exceptional promotional efforts over the last five years or longer in some, or all, of the following performance categories:

• Conversions to concrete resulting from promotional activities;

• Promotional presentations to specifiers, developers, potential end-users, concrete industry personnel or other individuals or groups;

• Professional development support of other ready mix promoters through leadership activities;

• Involvement in local, state and national trade association promotional activities; and

• Educating potential markets about advanced and innovative concrete technologies.

The deadline for submitting nominations is January 17, 2020. Click here to access more information and nomination forms. Questions can be directed to Phil Kresge at 215-779-7375 or by e-mail at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association