Defense Community Infrastructure Program Funded at $50 Million

The Fiscal Year 2021 House of Representatives’ National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) included an additional $50 million for the Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP). This program was first included in the FY2019 NDAA but was not funded. Funding the DCIP has been an NRMCA priority; last year it received $50 million in funding for the first time.

In late May, the Department of Defense’s Office of Economic Adjustment posted the grant opportunity and NRMCA advertised this funding opportunity to member companies, urging those that service communities that support military bases to provide information regarding the grant opportunity to their state and local governments. As a result, at least one NRMCA member communicated the opportunity to its local government, which then wrote a grant application for a local infrastructure project. That application is pending. NRMCA will continue to keep member companies apprised of these opportunities.

As NRMCA and its allied associations continue to advocate for a surface reauthorization and robust infrastructure investment, the DCIP is an additional opportunity to secure infrastructure funding for states and localities, especially during this time of declining state and municipal transportation revenue.

For more information, contact Andrew Tyrrell at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association