Concrete Trails Guide Featured in Design Hub

The non-profit organization American Trails recently announced the launch of its Trails Planning and Design Hub. Resources available through the hub include a host of webinars and design guides. At the encouragement of NRMCA's Pave Ahead team, the Guide to Concrete Trails, developed by the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center with funding from the RMC Research & Education Foundation, is among the guides featured on the hub.

The guide was highlighted by NRMCA Senior Vice President, Local Paving, Phil Kresge in his article Concrete Trails Keep You on the Right Path that appeared in American Trails' November 2020 newsletter. According to analytics, the article has been read by over 3,000 trails professionals.

“There is great interest in the development of hard surfaced trails across the country,” says Kresge. “And there is a significant amount of federal funding available at the state, county and city level. The potential for ready mixed concrete is huge. Monthly, hundreds of thousands of square feet of trails paving can be identified in bid sheets.”

Click here to download a copy of the Guide to Concrete Trails. For more information, contact Phil Kresge at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association