EPA Unveils Environmental Justice and Civil Rights Office

Last weekend, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) introduced a new office within the agency, the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. This new office will “advance environmental justice, enforce civil rights laws in overburdened communities, and deliver new grants and technical assistance.” Specifically, the new office with a staff of over 200 and spread across all EPA regions, “will engage with communities with environmental justice concerns to understand their needs, as well as Tribal, state, and local partners; manage and disburse historic levels of grants and technical assistance; work with other EPA offices to incorporate environmental justice into the agency’s programs, policies, and processes, as allowed by law; and ensure EPA funding recipients comply with applicable civil rights laws.”

Click here to review EPA’s press release and here for more information on the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. The NRMCA staff contact is Kevin Walgenbach.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association