GSA Seeks More Information on Embodied Carbon

The General Services Administration (GSA) is seeking additional information from manufacturers on the current availability of construction materials and products (concrete, steel, asphalt, glass, aluminum, insulation, roofing materials, gypsum board and structural engineered wood) that have substantially lower levels of embodied carbon as compared to industry averages or other estimates of similar materials. It also wants manufacturers across the country to provide product-specific, Type III environmental product declarations for construction materials and products. Respondents to GSA’s previous concrete and asphalt Request for Information (RFI) released in February do not need to respond again.

GSA plans to use RFI responses to help inform Buy Clean-related activities, including the $2.15B appropriated to GSA in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 for use of low-carbon Materials.

Complete the form here and submit by Thursday, November 3. For more information, contact Lionel Lemay at or Andrew Tyrrell,

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association