NRMCA Joins Forces with ACPA at Colorado Public Works Conference


NRMCA once again joined forces with the American Concrete Pavement Association's (ACPA) Colorado/Wyoming Chapter in sponsoring a booth at the 8th Annual APWA Colorado Chapter Conference held last week in Golden, reports NRMCA Vice President, Local Paving, Don A. Clem, PE. The conference, titled Working Together Towards Tomorrow, drew over 230 public works professionals from throughout Colorado. The program featured high-level presentations from public works leaders, including APWA Colorado Chapter President Paul Ruud and APWA National past President-Elect Dan J. Hartman.

The booth was staffed by Clem, Angela Folkestad, PE, executive director, and Sarah Sanders, PE, paving engineer, ACPA CO/ WY Chapter (shown here, from left to right, are Sanders, Folkestad and Clem during the conference.) Copies of the Guide to Concrete Trails and the Guide to Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots (both authored by the National CP Technology Center with funding provided by the RMC Research & Education Foundation) were provided to many booth visitors, with several indicating upcoming potential concrete projects.

For more information, contact Don Clem at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association