Online Concrete Specification Class Offered in May

NRMCA is offering its information-packed course, Handling Concrete Specifications, Low Strength Problems, and Mixture Submittals, intended for concrete producers, contractors, engineers, and testing labs, online between May 16 and 18. The course will feature a group discussion session on May 18. This one-day course will discuss the latest changes to the code and specification requirements (ACI 318, 301, ASTM C94) governing ready mixed concrete. This course will address many topics, including:

Course instructors are Luke Snell, P.E., FACI, FASCE; Jeff O’Leary and Karthik Obla, Ph.D., P.E., NRMCA vice president, technical services. Producers, contractors, engineers and testing labs will find the discussions on investigating low-strength problems and specifications very helpful in addressing issues that impact partnering, project cost and schedule. Upon successful completion of the course, attendees will earn 8 professional development hours, a certificate of completion and credits toward NRMCA’s STEPS program.

Click here for more information. The staff contact is Karthik Obla at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association