NRMCA Verifies EPD for Texas Cement Producer

NRMCA recently verified a system-level Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) program for Texas-based Materials Division member Capitol Aggregates. The EPD was developed in consultation with Athena Sustainable Materials Institute and based on the GCCA’s Industry EPD Tool for Cement and Concrete software. The software tool was reviewed and verified by Industrial Ecology Consultants. The underlying life cycle data for the plant and EPD were reviewed and verified by Labeling Sustainability, a verifier in NRMCA’s EPD program. Public access to the EPD is available on the NRMCA EPD webpage and is listed as NRMCA EPD: 20084 Capitol Aggregates. This EPD reports the impacts for five bulk cement mixes produced at one plant in San Antonio, TX.

For more information, contact Matthew Lemay at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association