NRMCA Continues to Verify EPDs for Ready Mix Producers

NRMCA recently verified system-level Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for California-based NRMCA Producer member Robertson’s Ready Mix, Texas-based NRMCA Producer member Ingram Ready Mix and Indiana-based producer Milestone Contractors LP.

EPDs for Robertson’s Ready Mix and Ingram Ready Mix were developed in consultation with and based on the ClimateCLARITY software tool by Climate Earth. The EPD for Milestone Contractors was developed in consultation with and based on the Theta Concrete LCA Calculator by WAP Sustainability. Both software tools were reviewed and verified by Industrial Ecology Consultants. All EPDs were verified by Ecoform, a verifier in NRMCA’s EPD program.

Click here for the NRMCA EPD webpage. For more information on the EPD verification program, contact Matthew Lemay at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association