MIT CSHub Webinar to Discuss Research on Transforming Role of Concrete Delivery Professional

The MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub will host a webinar tomorrow, June 29, at 11 a.m. Eastern time to discuss the initial findings of the research project titled Transforming the Role of the Concrete Delivery Professional. This research was funded by the Concrete Advancement Foundation and a final research report will be issued later this year.

According to the 2022 NRMCA Mixer Driver Recruitment and Retention Survey, 70% of producers stated that they lost business because they did not have enough CDPs to deliver concrete. The MIT CSHub, in collaboration with MIT’s Center for Transportation and Logistics, has explored how innovations in technology and operations could change driver recruitment, retention and productivity. The webinar will cover issues like driver scheduling, management-to-driver engagement and reducing the physical challenges of the job. Novel solutions will be discussed, including using digital systems and gamification to increase driver engagement, equipment automation and augmented reality. Analytical results suggest that increases in hiring costs, including implementing new solutions, are far outweighed by reductions in lost sales (due to lack of drivers). The research has also shown that only 12 minutes of lost time per load could eliminate the driver shortage for many firms.

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National Ready Mixed Concrete Association