Habitat for Humanity Honors NRMCA for Commitment to Building ICF Homes in Maryland

The Chesapeake (Maryland) chapter of Habitat for Humanity will honor NRMCA in October for its commitment to helping to build homes with ready mixed concrete and insulating concrete forms.

In notifying NRMCA of the Chesapeake's In Kind Donors of the Year award, chapter CEO Mike Posko said, "Thanks to dedicated supporters like you, we have built nearly 800 homes over the past 41 years - providing safety and stability for more than 3,000 children and family members. Habitat homeowners have gone to college, found jobs as teachers and nonprofit leaders, and many have paid off their homes, building wealth that will last generations. Your support has also built stronger communities. Rising property values and increased civic pride encourage non-Habitat homeowners and businesses to engage in these communities, too."

NRMCA will accept the award on October 12 in Baltimore on behalf of the many Producer and Associate members that have participated with Habitat for Humanity homebuilding programs across the U.S. Since January 2021, when NRMCA and Habitat for Humanity launched their partnership, construction has begun on 67 homes across 33 states; 39 of those homes have been completed.

Click here to read the award letter and here for a detailed article on this partnership and how your company can get involved.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association