NRMCA Organizational Announcement

As a growing and evolving association, the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is constantly looking for new opportunities to enhance its operational effectiveness to keep pace with the needs of its members and to drive greater member value. After careful review on how best to achieve this goal, NRMCA will be changing the direction of the chief operating officer role to focus on accelerating our growth by increasing non-dues revenue streams and pursuing new opportunities to improve productivity internally. Despite our best efforts to have Nicole Maher remain at NRMCA in a different leadership capacity, she has decided to explore opportunities outside of NRMCA.

The entire NRMCA family thanks her for her 34-year commitment to NRMCA, to the membership and the concrete industry. Her contributions have been showcased on countless occasions and her flexibility and willingness to take on new responsibilities throughout her distinguished career have been exemplary. Nicole has agreed to remain at NRMCA until March 15 to ensure there is a smooth transition while a search committee begins the process of filling the role of chief operating officer.

Please join me in a heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Nicole for her dedication and service to the ready mixed concrete industry and in wishing her all the success in her future endeavors.

Please send comments to NRMCA President Mike Philipps at

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association